Alvin Pollard

Alvin Pollard in avatar form


My name is Alvin Pollard and I'm a Full Stack Web Developer / Digital Artist and Independant Game Developer!

Please browse my site a while and feel free to reach me via my Contact page.

Thanks and have a wonderful day!

About Me

I have a natural curiosity that I continue to feed with books, movies, music and games!

I absolutely love learning something new everyday, some of my favorite subjects include science, culture and psychology.

I started discovering my love for programming back in 2015, when I started to learn Unreal Engine 4's Blueprint System.

From there I started learning various languages and exploring other game engines, including web based technologies that can render 3D viewports in your browser!

You can find out more about my skillset via my LinkedIn in the contact section.


Here are some of my projects. Feel free to explore and ask me questions about them!

Rig Match Me group project 02 website

Rig Match Me

~ HTML / CSS / JS ~

Code Monsters group project 01 website

Code Monster

~ HTML / CSS / JS ~

A runner jumping and trying to land on a floating platform in front of a crowded stadium

The Concourse

~ Unreal Engine 4 ~

Sun shining on the arena for Epic Brick Battle

Epic Brick Battle

~ Unreal Engine 4 ~

Adventurer Fighting Monsters in a Dark Dungeon


~ Unreal Engine 4 ~

Game Characters Playing Dominoes in a field


~ Unreal Engine 4 ~

Contact Me

Here's how you can get in touch!